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Not only will we be able to fulfill the important mitzvah of helping others recite the Mourners Kaddish,
it is a wonderful way to open our hearts and minds allowing God’s presence into our lives.
Morning Minyan | Monday – Friday 7:30 am |
Sundays 9:00 am |
Shabbat is a day of rest. However, it is not just a day to sleep late.
The model of Sabbath rest can be found in Genesis 2:1-3: “The heaven and earth were finished, and all their array. On the seventh day God finished the work which God had been doing, and God ceased [rested] on the seventh day from all the work which God had done. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because on it god ceased [rested] from all the work of creation which God had done.” Thus, the pattern of work and rest is woven into the very fabric of the universe. Rest means more than physical ceassation of work. It implies taking oneself out of the ordinary, out of the routine, out of the rat race. This kind of rest gives us the opportunity to re-create our spirit and restore our soul. Shabbat is a time that is set aside to take notice of the wonders around us.
Not only is the Sabbath an integral part of the Creation story, it is the only holiday mentioned in the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments actually appear twice in the Bible. The Sabbath commandment is formulated somewhat differently in each instance.
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Adonai your God: you shall not do any work – you, your son or daughter, your male or female slave, or your cattle, or the stranger who is within your settlements. For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth and sea, all that is in them, and God rested on the seventh day; therefore Adonai has blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
(Exodus 20:8-11)
Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy, as Adonai your God has commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Adonai your God: you shall not do any work – you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your ox of your ass, or any of your cattle, or the stranger in your settlements, so that your male and female slave may rest as you do. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and Adonai your God freed you from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore Adonai your God has commanded you to observe the sabbath day
(Deuteronomy 5:12-15)
These two passages point out two different aspects of Shabbat. Exodus tells us to remember the Sabbath while Deuteronomy stresses the observance of the day. Each passage offers us a different rationale for Shabbat. Exodus reminds us that on Shabbat we rejoice in the creation of the physical universe. Deuteronomy reminds us of our own experience of slavery and that we must remember our Exodus from Egypt. In doing so, we are cognizant of the freedom we enjoy. (source:
Kabbalat Shabbat Service | Friday Evenings | 7:15 PM |
The Bayit Band Musical Service Family Shabbat Children-centered worship |
Once a month Once a month |
Shabbat Morning Service | And Torah Study | 10:00 am |
Quod a changing, si continue mutatur in naturali modo naturaliter prius
pertingit ad illud ad quod mutatur ultimum inter. Ita ‘inter’ importat
praesentiam minus tria in processu mutationis est contrarium quod
“novissimi: et si continuo movetur aliquid relinquit rima minima gap in
materia, aut tantum non in tempore (nam non intermittit quin temporibus
rebus a ‘inter’ dum, contra, nihil prohibet aliquam magnificam post infimum
supremi), sed in materia in qua motus agitur. Non modo perspicue verum est,
sed in omni mutatione locorum alia pariter. (Omnis autem importat mutationem
bina opposita et contraria esse vel contradictorie opposita sint: tum quia
contradictio non potest habere medium terminum, manifestum est quod inter
‘necesse habent par contrariorum) Hoc loco contrarium quod maxime distat in
linea recta, quia finita est certus minima linea, quae est certus numerus
limitatus constituit.
Quod a changing, si continue mutatur in naturali modo naturaliter prius
pertingit ad illud ad quod mutatur ultimum inter. Ita ‘inter’ importat
praesentiam minus tria in processu mutationis est contrarium quod
“novissimi: et si continuo movetur aliquid relinquit rima minima gap in
materia, aut tantum non in tempore (nam non intermittit quin temporibus
rebus a ‘inter’ dum, contra, nihil prohibet aliquam magnificam post infimum
supremi), sed in materia in qua motus agitur. Non modo perspicue verum est,
sed in omni mutatione locorum alia pariter. (Omnis autem importat mutationem
bina opposita et contraria esse vel contradictorie opposita sint: tum quia
contradictio non potest habere medium terminum, manifestum est quod inter
‘necesse habent par contrariorum) Hoc loco contrarium quod maxime distat in
linea recta, quia finita est certus minima linea, quae est certus numerus
limitatus constituit.
Quod a changing, si continue mutatur in naturali modo naturaliter prius
pertingit ad illud ad quod mutatur ultimum inter. Ita ‘inter’ importat
praesentiam minus tria in processu mutationis est contrarium quod
“novissimi: et si continuo movetur aliquid relinquit rima minima gap in
materia, aut tantum non in tempore (nam non intermittit quin temporibus
rebus a ‘inter’ dum, contra, nihil prohibet aliquam magnificam post infimum
supremi), sed in materia in qua motus agitur. Non modo perspicue verum est,
sed in omni mutatione locorum alia pariter. (Omnis autem importat mutationem
bina opposita et contraria esse vel contradictorie opposita sint: tum quia
contradictio non potest habere medium terminum, manifestum est quod inter
‘necesse habent par contrariorum) Hoc loco contrarium quod maxime distat in
linea recta, quia finita est certus minima linea, quae est certus numerus
limitatus constituit.
The Widgetkit Media Player is a HTML5 audio and video player completely built HTML and CSS. You can easily embed video files into your website by using the HTML5 video element. A Flash player fallback is included for all unsupported browsers.
This is a MP3 Audio Sample:
Use the HTML5 video
element to embed video in your website. For example:
<video src="/video.mp4" width="320" height="240"></video>
You can also provide multiple sources, to add support for the different video formats like h.264, WebM or Ogg:
<video width="320" height="240"> <source type="video/mp4" src="/video.mp4" /> <source type="video/webm" src="/video.webm" /> <source type="video/ogg" src="/video.ogv" /> </video>
Use the HTML5 audio
element to embed MP3 files in your website. For example:
<audio src="/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio>
The Widgetkit Twitter module is the neatest way to display tweets directly on your website. All displayed tweets get cached so they show up super fast, even if Twitter is not available.
Create a Twitter module in Joomla or a Twitter widget in WordPress and publish it in a module position. A lot of options are available to choose which tweets you want to show.
For example you can show only tweets from a specific user or tweets that contain a certain hash-tag or a specific word. All options can be combined. To filter by more than one word or user use a space between them. For example: yootheme joomla
The Widgetkit Spotlight allows you to add an overlay to your images which fades or moves in on mouse hover. The overlay can be an image or HTML content. The default magnifier spotlight is a perfect match to be used with a lightbox.
If no custom overlay is set the default spotlight fades in an overlay with an magnifier image. If you define a custom overlay you can choose between different animations – fade
, bottom
, top
, right
and left
Use the HTML5 custom data attribute data-spotlight
to activate the spotlight.
<a data-spotlight="on" href="/mypage.html"> <img src="/image.jpg" width="180" height="120" alt="" /> </a>
To create a custom overlay use a div element with the CSS class overlay
. You can set the effect parameter to the data attribute. For example:
<a data-spotlight="effect:bottom;" href="/mypage.html"> <img src="/image.jpg" width="180" height="120" alt="" /> <div class="overlay">Custom Overlay</div> </a>
You can set the effect parameter to fade
, bottom
, top
, right
and left
The Widgetkit Lightbox allows you to view images, HTML and multi-media content on a dark dimmed overlay without having to leave the current page.
Different animations – fade
, elastic
and none
Different title positions – float
, inside
and over
Various examples in one gallery (try also using the keyboard and mouse scroll wheel)
Use the HTML5 custom data attribute data-lightbox
to activate the lightbox. You can set various lightbox parameters to the data attribute. For example:
<a data-lightbox="width:1000;height:700;" href="">Lightbox</a>
Here is a list of the most common parameters:
, outside
, inside
or over
, elastic
, or none
, elastic
, or none
or false