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  • 1 cube crumbled yeast
  • 1 t sugar
  • 1 t flour
  • ½ c warm tap water
  • At least 8 c regular flour
  • 3 eggs
  • ¾ c sugar
  • ½ c oil
  • 1 T salt
  • 2 c warm tap water


  1. Mix together in small bowl and let stand in warm place:

  2. 1 cube crumbled yeast

  3. 1 t sugar

  4. 1 t flour

  5. ½ c warm tap water

  6. Measure the following into a large bowl (wood, glass or plastic)

  7. At least 8 c regular flour

  8. 3 eggs

  9. ¾ c sugar

  10. ½ c oil

  11. 1 T salt

  12. 2 c warm tap water

  13. And yeast mixture from Step 1

  14. With large wooden spoon, smash all of the above together as well as possible. The mixture will be sticky.

  15. Leave the mixture in the same bowl for 3 hours, returning every ½ hour to stir it and punch it down with a wooden spoon.

  16. At end of 3 hours, turn the dough out onto a floured board or counter top. Add more flour if the dough is too soft to handle.

  17. Divide the dough with a sharp knife into 3-4 large loaves. Shape into challot.

  18. Set into well greased challah pans. Let rise for one hour. Before baking, brush all exposed surfaces with beaten egg/sugar mixture.

  19. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.